December 9, 2009

...fragment of the forest...

(folio continues)

See the breeze through the trees
That sweetly sings with voices vast
Yet hidden, as only holy things are
Hidden, and must be hunted
By the whole man.

(folio cuts off)

-Jon Vowell (c) 2009

1 comment:

firebirdsinger said...

It's kind of sad how the holy things, the things that man most needs, are the ones that are hidden. The obvious reason is that it is intended to make the man value the search, and therefore, the holiness more than if it had been simply handed to them. What's sad, though, is all the people who are searching but don't know for what they search. They linger on in a kind of half-life, never whole, and always wondering and dreaming unrealized and ungrasped dreams.